/manager/Index ${session.getAttribute("locale")} 5 Anti-RAGE antibody selectively blocks acute systemic inflammatory responses to LPS in serum, liver, CSF and striatum /manager/Repository/uon:34315 Wed 27 Feb 2019 12:25:36 AEDT ]]> Reconsidering the role of glial cells in chronic stress-induced dopaminergic neurons loss within the substantia nigra? Friend or foe? /manager/Repository/uon:33093 Wed 04 Sep 2019 09:56:33 AEST ]]> The maternal immune activation model uncovers a role for the Arx gene in GABAergic dysfunction in schizophrenia /manager/Repository/uon:44959 Arx gene, critical to healthy neurodevelopment of PV interneurons, is reduced in the forebrain of MIA exposed mice. Finally, in a whole-genome sequenced patient cohort, we identified a novel missense mutation of ARX in a patient with schizophrenia and in the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium 2 cohort, a nominal association of proximal ARX SNPs with the disorder. This suggests MIA, as a risk factor for schizophrenia, may be influencing Arx expression to induce the GABAergic dysfunction seen in schizophrenia and that the ARX gene may play a role in the prenatal origins of schizophrenia pathophysiology.]]> Tue 25 Oct 2022 12:28:24 AEDT ]]> A meta-analysis of differences in IL-6 and IL-10 between people with and without depression: exploring the causes of heterogeneity /manager/Repository/uon:13830 Tue 24 Aug 2021 14:29:16 AEST ]]> Sustained administration of corticosterone at stress-like levels after stroke suppressed glial reactivity at sites of thalamic secondary neurodegeneration /manager/Repository/uon:33100 Thu 17 Mar 2022 14:39:58 AEDT ]]> Peripheral immune cells infiltrate into sites of secondary neurodegeneration after ischemic stroke /manager/Repository/uon:37014 LO and Ly6G⁻Ly6CHI monocytes. Our results indicate that infiltrating immune cells persist in ischemic tissue after the acute ischemic phase, and are increased in sites of SND. Importantly, immune cells have been shown to play pivotal roles in both damage and repair processes after stroke. Our findings indicate that immune cells may also be involved in the pathogenesis of SND and further clinical studies are warranted to characterise the nature of inflammatory cell infiltrates in human disease.]]> Thu 17 Feb 2022 09:29:32 AEDT ]]> Peripheral viral infection induced microglial sensome genes and enhanced microglial cell activity in the hippocampus of neonatal piglets /manager/Repository/uon:24577 Thu 17 Feb 2022 09:27:57 AEDT ]]> Defects in NLRP6, autophagy and goblet cell homeostasis are associated with reduced duodenal CRH receptor 2 expression in patients with functional dyspepsia /manager/Repository/uon:49117 Thu 02 May 2024 12:18:23 AEST ]]> Evidence that opioids may have toll-like receptor 4 and MD-2 effects /manager/Repository/uon:9915 Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:13:34 AEDT ]]> Chronic stress alters the density and morphology of microglia in a subset of stress-responsive brain regions /manager/Repository/uon:10881 Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:11:33 AEDT ]]> Chronic stress induces prolonged suppression of the P2X7 receptor within multiple regions of the hippocampus: a cumulative threshold spectra analysis /manager/Repository/uon:20933 Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:06:05 AEDT ]]> Neonatal lipopolysaccharide exposure impairs sexual development and reproductive success in the Wistar rat /manager/Repository/uon:17701 Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:57:31 AEDT ]]> Neonatal respiratory infection and adult re-infection: effect on glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid receptors in the hippocampus in BALB/c mice /manager/Repository/uon:17901 Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:56:18 AEDT ]]> Dynamic structural remodelling of microglia in health and disease: a review of the models, the signals and the mechanisms /manager/Repository/uon:19115 Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:55:52 AEDT ]]> Chronic stress exacerbates neuronal loss associated with secondary neurodegeneration and suppresses microglial-like cells following focal motor cortex ischemia in the mouse /manager/Repository/uon:27631 Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:34:04 AEDT ]]> Alteration of transcriptional networks in the entorhinal cortex after maternal immune activation and adolescent cannabinoid exposure /manager/Repository/uon:30081 Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:31:17 AEDT ]]> Disgust elevates core body temperature and up-regulates certain oral immune markers /manager/Repository/uon:23660 Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:16:51 AEDT ]]> In vivo suppression of plasma IL-12 levels by acute and chronic stress paradigms: potential mediating mechanisms and sex differences /manager/Repository/uon:23659 Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:16:51 AEDT ]]> Altered neural signaling and immune pathways in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of schizophrenia patients with cognitive impairment: a transcriptome analysis /manager/Repository/uon:25081 Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:15:04 AEDT ]]> In vivo suppression of plasma IL-12 levels by acute and chronic stress paradigms: potential mediating mechanisms and sex differences /manager/Repository/uon:22170 H1 differentiation. In vitro studies indicated suppression of IL-12 production by several stress-related factors, but no effects of behavioral stress were shown on plasma IL-12 levels. Therefore, in the current study we (i) examined the in vivo effects of various behavioral and pharmacological stress paradigms on baseline plasma IL-12 levels; (ii) compared these in vivo findings to those obtained following in vitro stimulation of leukocytes from the same rats; and (iii) assessed potential sexual dimorphism in these outcomes. The findings indicated that plasma IL-12 levels were significantly reduced by social confrontation, wet-cage exposure, surgery, and the administration of corticosterone, epinephrine, or prostaglandin-E₂. Notably, most in vivo impacts on plasma levels were not evident when assessed in vitro. The IL-12-reducing effects of wet-cage exposure, and of corticosterone and epinephrine administration, were significantly greater in males than in females, although females exhibited greater total corticosterone levels following stress. The duration of acute stressors predicted the degree of IL-12 reduction, but more prolonged stressors did not. Furthermore, seven days of alternating behavioral stressors reduced plasma IL-12 levels more than 14 days. These findings suggest animals’ behavioral habituation to stress conditions, or a specific immune mechanism restricting the duration of IL-12 reduction. Overall, our findings indicate a generic and robust stress-induced reduction in plasma IL-12 levels, and suggest epinephrine, corticosterone, and prostaglandin-E₂, as potential mediators that should be scrutinized in vivo in the context of natural physiological stress responses.]]> Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:14:58 AEDT ]]> Cognitive deficits develop 1 month after diffuse brain injury and are exaggerated by microglia-associated reactivity to peripheral immune challenge /manager/Repository/uon:24405 Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:14:23 AEDT ]]> A comparative examination of the anti-inflammatory effects of SSRI and SNRI antidepressants on LPS stimulated microglia /manager/Repository/uon:23164 Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:10:28 AEDT ]]> Programming of formalin-induced nociception by neonatal LPS exposure: maintenance by peripheral and central neuroimmune activity /manager/Repository/uon:22108 Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:10:20 AEDT ]]> Assessment of evidence for or against contributions of Chlamydia pneumoniae infections to Alzheimer's disease etiology /manager/Repository/uon:38383 Mon 29 Jan 2024 17:45:07 AEDT ]]> Chronic stress induced disturbances in Laminin: a significant contributor to modulating microglial pro-inflammatory tone? /manager/Repository/uon:33098 Mon 27 Aug 2018 12:12:48 AEST ]]> Effects of immune activation during early or late gestation on schizophrenia-related behaviour in adult rat offspring /manager/Repository/uon:33142 Mon 03 Sep 2018 12:55:09 AEST ]]> Neonatal immune challenge influences the microbiota and behaviour in a sexually dimorphic manner /manager/Repository/uon:50574 Fri 28 Jul 2023 12:30:34 AEST ]]>